Christmas Iphone Wallpapers // Blogmas Day 12

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Hello Lovelies! 

As promised, Day 12 will be a Christmas wallpaper filled post! These are the ones that I actually have saved on my phone and at some point this month, each one will either be my lock or home screen at least once... 

I have so much time on my hands sometimes I end up scrolling through pinterest for ages and saving different wallpapers - even when it's not Christmas time! So, maybe later in the year I could do another similar post with non-christmas themed ones? 

Anyway, for are the Christmas ones! 

So many cute designs! Which one is your favourite? 

That's all from me today, look out for Blogmas Day 13 tomorrow! 

Come follow me on my social media and i'll follow back x 


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