Christmas Decor // Blogmas Day 10

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hello Lovelies! 

I really enjoy decorating and designing rooms and homes - which is why my absolute dream job is an interior designer! I also cannot wait to have a place of my own purely for the fact that I will get to decorate it the exact way I want to. Anyway, for Blogmas day 10 i'm going to show you how my mum and I have decorated the house for Christmas this year! 

It's always exciting to get the Christmas Tree out every year and set it up, along with all the boxes of Christmas decor and it's probably one of my favourite parts of this time of the year (let's be real, EVERYTHING about this time of year is my favourite, except for maybe the Australian summer). It never really feels like Christmas time until the tree is up & the house is decorated. 

Finally, the centre of attention....the Christmas Tree! So, here in Aus (or in my town anyway) there is very few places that grow real Christmas Trees so most people just settle for artificial trees, but ours looks real enough I think! 

We like to decorate very traditionally with the classic red & gold theme with little bits & pieces around the house that we've had for years! How about you and your family? Do you go traditional or trendy?

That's all from me today, look out for Blogmas Day 11 tomorrow! 

Come follow me on my social media and i'll follow back x 


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