A Guide // University

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hello Lovelies!

As someone who is half-way through a 3 year business degree, I have learnt how to 'survive' university. There are a lot of things i've also come across along the way that have really helped me stay on track and stay organised. I'm currently in my second semester of my second year and i'm sure that i'll forever be picking up new advice but for now, here are 6 tips to guide you through perhaps your first year of university, or even if you're reaching the end of your degree...

1. Keep a planner

I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a planner - it is essential for organisation and keeping track of your life! Even if you don't think you'll need it, trust me, you will. Having a planner means that you can see everything going on in your life in one place, whether it's personal or uni related. Classes, due dates, exams, study times, group meetings, social activities, appointments, events, and holidays just to name a few. You will be carrying this around everywhere you go! Also, go as crazy as you want with how creative you want your planning to be - colour code, add stickers and highlight!

2. Be realistic about your class timetable

When enrolling and registering for your classes, make sure you be as realistic as you can about how long each class block goes for. Make sure you give yourself a break in between classes if you can so you don't suffer from information overload! Also be sure to check if you have any clashes between any of your subjects. Give yourself days to attend uni, days to stay home and study as well as rest days, where you can go out with friends, go to work or just do nothing. 

3. Textbooks

Textbooks are 100% the most expensive upfront thing about attending university and it doesn't help if a subject's outline says that you will need more than one book for that subject. For my first semester last year, I bought all my prescribed books brand new and let's just say my bank account was not happy! After learning that sometimes the textbooks don't even get used that often and you could get them second-hand, my life changed. Now, I wait until my lecturer tells us whether we need to purchase the textbook, and which ones we won't use often. Then, I buy which ever books I need off the second-hand textbook page. Another tip, is if the online e-book version is available and you don't generally highlight your books, it's a cheaper alternative if you MUST buy the brand new edition. Plus, After you've finished and passed a subject, you can also re-sell your books to make some extra cash!

4. Take up an effective note taking system

Falling into an effective note-taking routine for me has taken a lot of trial and error, and i've only just worked out what works best for me this year. You need to decide whether you're going to take notes onto your laptop, tablet or handwrite them. This would be dependent on the type of classes you take, the degree your taking and what you find the most effective and easy. If you're unsure about how you want to take your notes, a great way to find ideas is through watching youtube videos on note-taking which I found extremely helpful!

5. Attend your classes 

I'll be honest, during my first year of uni, I didn't attend all my lectures and tutorials because I always thought "I can just do it at home anyway". DO NOT, I repeat do not go into your degree with this attitude as it will most likely affect your grades! I mean, unless you really can't make it, you should attend all your classes as it gives you the chance to ask questions, participate in discussions, make friends and write down any important information that isn't given through the online materials. Always check to make sure if attendance is part of your grade so you can get the highest grade you possibly can!

That's all from me today xx

Come follow me on my social media and don't be afraid to say hi! 


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