Beauty & Skincare products I want to try in 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hello Lovelies! 

I know that for most people, this past week was the first week getting back into a routine and I hope you're adjusting well after two weeks off - my sleep schedule is so out of whack and i've been needing to set at least 5 alarms each morning just to get me out of bed oops... 

Enough rambling! I'm one of those people that sticks to products that I know & love, which, doesn't really let me explore and try out new products. Well, this year i'm determined to try out some new products and brands that I don't usually go for...BUT products that i've done my research on just because my skin is super sensitive and to use a harsh product on it would ruin the effort i've put in over the past few years to clear it up. 

So, I wrote down all the beauty and skincare products that I want to try out and before you know it, I had an entire wishlist in front of me! 

If you've tried any of these products, let me know what your thoughts were after trying them x 

I didn't want to include TOO many products because I know for a fact that there will most likely be a whole bunch of products released this year that I would also love to get my hands on.. 

Well that's all from me today! I'll be back with a new post soon..

Come follow me or say hi on my social media if you'd like x 

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